Vedic age Questions SSC MCQ

  1. Which of the following is the oldest Vedas ?


Extra Information

  • Rig Veda’ is the oldest of the Vedas and in any Indo-European language one of the oldest ancient texts.
  • The Rig Veda is a set of ancient Indian texts comprising 1028 Sanskrit

Hymns from the Vedic period and 10,600 verses devoted to the Rigvedic deities.

  • It is arranged in 10 volumes, known as mandalas.
  1. Vedic literature is also known as ?


Extra Information

  • Vedic literature is also known as Shruti.
  • The literature which has been handed down from time immemorial by verbal transmission.
  1. The Vedas are considered the earliest literary record of Indo-Aryan civilisation. There are four Vedas:Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and the fourth one is? Atharvaveda

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The Atharva Veda is the “knowledge storehouse of atharvāņas, the procedures for everyday life”.

  • The text is the fourth Veda but has been a late addition to the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism.
  • The language of the Atharvaveda is different from Vedic Sanskrit, preserving pre Vedic IndoEuropean archaisms.
  1. The name ‘Aghanya’ mentioned in many passages of the Rig veda refers to ?


Extra Information

  • “Aghanya” refers to Cows in Rig Veda.
  • Rig Veda is one of the 4 Vedas.
  • It consists of Sanskrit hymns. It is the oldest of the four sacred Vedas.
  1. Who of the following Gods was considered as War-God in the Vedic Pantheon ?


Extra Information

  • Indra is known as the god of storms and wars.
  • He is the most important deity in ancient Vedic Hinduism and the supreme deva (god) of the Rigveda scripture.
  • There are more than 250 hymns devoted specifically to him, more than any other deity
  1. Sukta hymns are part of which among the following Veda ?

Rig Veda

Extra Information

  • It is the oldest Veda which is composed about 3500 years ago.
  • The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called sukta or”well-said”. These hymns are in praise of various gods and goddesses.
  • These hymns were composed by sages (rishis)
  1. The main collections of Vedic hymns are called ?


Extra Information

  • The Rigveda Samhita is the oldest extant Indic text.
  • It is a collection of 1,028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,600 verses in all, organized into ten books (Sanskrit: mandalas).
  • The hymns are dedicated to Rigvedic deities.
  1. Near which river was most of the Rigveda Civilizations were situated ? Saraswati

Extra Information

  • Most of the Rigveda Civilizations were situated near Saraswati.
  • Rivers Kabul, Swat, Khurram, Gumal, Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej are also mentioned in Rigveda
  • Praise in Nadistuti sukta of Rig Veda is called hymn of praise of rivers.
  1. Which one of the following Vedas contains sacrificial formulae ?

Yajur Veda

Extra Information

  • Yajur Veda deals with sacrificial formulae.
  • It is divided into Black Yajur Veda and White Yajur Veda
  1. What were the two assemblies during the Early Vedic period?

Samiti and Sabha

Extra Information
  • Sabha denotes both the assembly early RigVedic period.
  • While Samiti was a folk assembly in which tribe people gathered for tribal business.
  • Here philosophical issues are discussed and issues related to religious ceremonies and prayers.
  1. Ayurveda is associated with?


Extra Information
  • Ayurveda – Rigveda
  • Gandharvaveda – Samaveda
  • Dhanurveda – Yajurveda
  • Shilpveda – Atharvaveda
  1. The goddess Aryani is the goddess of_____ as per the Rigvedic period?


Extra Information

  • Aryani is the goddess of the forest.
  • Ushas is the goddess of dawn.
  • Marut is the personified storm.
  • Prithvi is the goddess of Earth.
  1. Which among the following is called the ‘Vedanta’ ?


Extra Information

  • The word Vedanta means the end of the Vedas and originally referred to the Upanishads because they came at the last phase of the Vedic period.
  • Vedangas are the limbs of vedas.
  • They are the treatise of science and arts. The sages dwelling in the forests explained Vedic texts to their pupils in the form of Aryankas.
  • Aryankas means the forest.
  1. ‘Samaveda’ is considered to be one of the primary sources of Indian_____ ? music and art

Extra Information

  • Sama Veda derives its roots from ‘saman’ which means melodies.
  • It is a collection of melodies.
  • The Sama Veda (book of chants) had 1549 hymns.
  • All hymns (excluding 75) were taken from the Rig Veda.
  • This Veda is important for Indian music.
  1. Who is the founder of Yog Darshan?

Maharishi Patanjali

Extra Information

  • Yog Darshan – Maharishi Patanjali
  • Sankhya Darshan – Maharishi Kapil
  • Mimasa Darshan – Maharishi Jaimini
  • Vedant Darshan – Maharishi Badrayan
  1. The goddess Aryani is the goddess of as per the Rigvedic period?


Extra Information

  • Aryani is the goddess of the forest.
  • Ushas is the goddess of dawn.
  • Marut is the personified storm.
  • Prithvi is the goddess of Earth
  1. The earliest occurrence of the mantra famous as Gayatri Mantra is found in which of the following text ?

Rig Veda

Extra Information

  • Gayatri Mantra was first recorded in the Rig Veda and was written in Sanskrit around 2500 to 3500 years back.
  1. The most mentioned river in Rigveda is ?


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  • Indus is the most mentioned river while Saraswati is the most pious river.
  1. Who according to Rigveda is the most important god ?


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Indra was addressed as Purandar in Rig Veda

  1. Who is hailed as the “God of Medicine” by the practitioners of Ayurveda?


Extra Information

  • Dhanvantari is regarded as the god of medicine.
  • Sushruta is regarded as the father of surgery.
  • Charaka was one of the principal contributors to
  • Ayurveda and is regarded as the father of Indian medicine.

21.Which of the following Craftsmanship was not practiced by the Aryans?


Extra Information

  • Iron was not known to Vedic period people.
  1. In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was based on?


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  • The terms varna (theoretical classification based on occupation).
  • The classical authors scarcely speak of anything other than the varnas.
  • ‘Varna’ defines the hereditary roots of a newborn, it indicates thecolour, type, order or class of people.

23.The staple food of the Vedic Aryans was?

Milk and its products

Extra Information

  • The Vedic economy mostly revolved around cow and dairy products.

That is the reason why cows were considered aghanya i.e. not to be killed.

  1. From which Upanishad is the phrase ‘Satyameva Jayate (Truth alone triumphs)’ mentioned below the emblem of India taken?


Extra Information

  • The national motto of India Satyamev Jayate inscribed below the Emblem of India is taken from MundakaUpanishad.
  • This Motto means with truth alone triumphs.
  • It is written in the Devanagari script.
  • Mundaka Upanishad is listed as number 5 in the Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads of Hinduism.
  1. ________ was considered to be most valuable possession in the Early Vedic Period?


Extra Information
  • The period between 1500 B.C and 600 B.C may be divided into the- •Early Vedic Period or Rig Vedic Period (1500 B.C-1000 B.C) and
  • Later Vedic Period (1000B.C – 600 B.C)
  1. The caste system of India was created for?

Occupational division of labour

Extra Information
  • The caste system was created for Occupational division of labor and was flexible during the Vedic period.
  • It was defined by a person’s profession. It started getting rigid during the later Vedic period.

27.The crop which was not known to Vedic people is?


Extra Information

Wheat, Barley and Rice were the major food grains consumed of Vedic people. Tobacco was not known to Vedic people.

  1. The term ‘Upanishad’ literally implies?

Sitting near

Extra Information

Upanishad means “sitting down near”, referring to the student sitting down near the teacher while receiving esoteric knowledge.

  1. Which one of the following tribal assemblies was normally involved in the election of the tribal chief?


Extra Information

  • The election of the king was done by the tribal assembly called Samiti.
  • The Samiti was the National Assembly of people while the sabha was the Council of Elders.
  • Gana was an assembly of warriors.
  • Vidatha was an assembly meant for secular, religious, and military purposes
  1. Subject matter which Manu Smriti deals with is related to?


Extra Information

  • Manu smriti is the law code of Hindu society
  1. The Sage who is said to have Aryanised South India was?


Extra Information

  • Sage Agastya is associated with the Aryanization of South India.
  • The Yadavas of South India were the first to be Aryanized.

Agastya compiled the first Tamil grammar called Agathiyam.

  • His wife’s name was Lopamudra.
  1. The Veda which deals with the rituals is known as?


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  • Yajurveda is a compilation of ritual offering formulas.
  1. Which metal was first used by the Vedic people?


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Vedic people extensively used copper and bronze

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