All English Vocab MCQs asked in SSC MTS 2023

Idioms/Phrases Questions asked in SSC MTS 2023
S.No Idioms/Phrases Meaning
1. Let sleeping dogs lie Leave an existing situation as it is
2. Call the shots To be in a position to make decisions that influences a


3. Sell the hot cakes Quick sell out
4. Hits the nail on the head Does something right
5. The company was on thin ice In a precarious or risky situation
6. Cup of Tea Something one likes/excels in
7. To play devil’s advocate To argue, just for the sake of it
8. Ins and outs Full details
9. Call it a day To stop working
10. Running around in circles Putting efforts into something that does not give a worthwhile


11. Spill the beans To reveal a secret information unintentionally
12. Face the music To accept criticism or punishment for something you have done
13. By leaps and bounds Rapidly
14. A baker’s dozen A group of 13
15. A blessing in disguise Something good that isn’t recognized at first
16. To stab you in the back Betray someone
17. Go for a song At a cheap rate
18. Smash hit An outstanding success
19. Barking up the wrong tree To be mistaken, to be looking for solutions in the wrong place
20. To cut someone some slack To not manage someone very strictly or critically
21. Beat around the bush To avoid addressing a topic correctly
22. All eyes and ears To be attentive
23. Blessing in disguise Something that seems bad but provides some benefit
24. Fight fire with fire To fight against an opponent by using the same methods or weapons that the opponent uses
25. In the fast lane A life filled with excitement
26. Cost an arm and a leg Be expensive
27. Stone’s throw A very short distance
28. Bury the hatchet To end a quarrel and become friendly
29. In a nutshell Very briefly, giving only the main points
30. Day and night Continuously
31. Sly as a fox Smart and clever
32. To get cold feet To be afraid


33. Raining cats and dogs To rain very heavily
34. Break the ice To say something that makes people who are meeting for the first time more comfortable
35. To keep one’s temper To remain calm
36. Biggest fish to fry Having something more important to take care of
37. Back against the wall Stuck in a difficult circumstance with no escape
38. A storm in a teacup Much excitement over something trivial
39. A ball of fire An active and energetic person
40. The best of both world All the advantages of two different situations and none of the disadvantages
41. Get your act together Get organized and do things better
42. Back to square one Having to start all over again
43. Hit the nail on thebed Something that is exactly right
44. Keep your ear to the ground To pay attention to everything that is happening around you and to what people are saying
45. Be like chalk and cheese To be completely different from each other
46. Straight from the horse’s mouth Directly from the person involved
47. On cloud nine Very happy
48. By fair means or foul To get one’s way with honesty or dishonesty
49. Blows his own trumpet Praises himself
50. As phony as a three- dollar bill Something that is fake
51. The whole nine yards Everything, all the way
52. Cost you an arm and a leg A large amount of money
53. From scratch From the beginning
54. Into hot water Into trouble
55. On the same page Be in agreement
56. Have egg on your face To be made to look foolish or embarrassed
57. Turn a blind eye Pretend not to notice
58. Bite the dust To suffer a defeat
59. To bite the bullet Accept a difficult situation bravely
60. Pay an arm and a leg for something Pay a lot of money for something
61. Stuck to his guns To stand firm against all difficulties and challenges
62. In a nutshell Very briefly, giving only main points of something
63. The world is your oyster You can do anything you wish or go anywhere you want
64. Put on ice To postpone something
65. To cross swords To fight
66. Wearing her heart on her sleeve To openly and freely express one’s emotions
67. Get mixed up Get confused
68. Putting all your eggs in one basket To risk all one has on the success or failure of one thing
69. Cool as a cucumber Stays calm and composed
70. Bone to pick To be angry about something and want to discuss it
71. Grasping at straws Desperate attempt to succeed
72. Out of the blue Completely unexpected
73. Castles in the air Unrealistic & impossible plan
74. Ill at ease To be worried and not relaxed
75. Beat around the bush To avoid talking about what is important
76. Let the cat out of the bag Reveal a secret
77. Where there is a will, there is a way If you have a strong

determination to do something, you can achieve that

78. When pigs fly Something that is impossible
79. On cloud nine Very happy
80. By the skin of your teeth By a very narrow margin
81. Run-of-the-mill Average
82. The apple of one’s eye Very dear
83. Bigger fish to fry To have other, more important things to do
84. Keep someone at arm’s length To avoid becoming too close or friendly with someone
85. All’s fair in love and war Used to describe a situation in which people do not follow the usual rules of behavior and do things that are normally considered unfair
86. Bitten off more than he could chew To try to do something that is too difficult for you
87. Quaking in his boots To tremble with fear
88. Cry over spilt milk To express regret about

something that has already happened or cannot be changed

89. Beating around the bush To avoid getting to the point of an issue
90. Sweat of his brow Hard work
91. Child’s play Something very easy
92. Spill the beans To tell a secret


93. Throw caution to the wind Take a risk
94. Keep an eye on Watch and take care
95. Like a cakewalk Very easy
96. Beauty of it Good points
97. Once in a blue moon Very rarely
98. Hard to swallow Difficult to believe
99. Easier said than done More difficult to do than to talk about
100. All of a sudden Quickly and unexpectedly
101. Icing on the cake Something extra that makes a good thing even better
102. Keeps his word To uphold one’s promise
103. Seventh heaven To be extremely happy
104. Break a leg Perform well


OWS Questions asked in SSC MTS 2023
S.No Phrases OWS
1. Selling, purchasing, and using an illegally copied product is a criminal offence. Pirated
2. A cage made for birds / A place for keeping the birds in a confined space Aviary
3. One man with absolute power Autocracy
4. The scientific study of insects Entomology
5. To go away suddenly and secretly in order to escape from somewhere Abscond
6. Put an end to Abolish
7. Study of sound and sound waves Acoustics
8. A creature which depends on other Parasite
9. A number which is used to divide another number Divisor


10. The action of formally accusing a public official of a serious offence Impeachment
11. A place of burial Cemetery
12. A person who loves to collect books Bibliophile
13. Group of bees Swarm
14. A man whose wife is dead Widower
15. Say something in order to convey information Speak
16. A person who is known for his hatred towards the entire mankind Misanthrope
17. A thing which happens every 2 years Biennial
18. A poem of lamentation on the death of someone loved and admired Elegy
19. A lover of books Bibliophile
20. Unpleasant Nasty
21. Killing of one’s own father Patricide
22. Life history Biography
23. The study of religion Theology
24. An examination of a body after death Post Mortem
25. A person who feeds on human death Cannibal
26. One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
27. Hundreds of people were removed from a place by the government recently due to a war-like situation Evacuated
28. The killing of a king Regicide
29. One who has love for mankind or one who makes an active effort to promote human welfare Philanthropist
30. A person living in solitude like a saint for religious practices Hermit
31. A person who avoids sensory pleasures and physical comforts Ascetic


32. One who lends money to others at a very high rate of interest Usurer
33. That which can’t be read Illegible
34. Fear of closed spaces Claustrophobia
35. Actual application Practice
36. Replacing something with something else Change
37. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes Boutique
38. Pause indecisively Hesitate
39. Endless period of time Eternity
40. A person who is kept captive for fulfilment of demands of money or conditions Hostage
41. Spreads by physical touch or contact Contagious
42. The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their arrangement Chronology
43. A person who regards the whole world as his country Cosmopolitan
44. One who looks at the dark side of life Pessimist
45. Powder by crushing Grind
46. A place where water is collected and stored for future use Reservoir
47. Not fit for eating Inedible
48. One who is all powerful Omnipotent
49. Copying someone else’s work and trying to submit it as your own Plagiarism
50. Easily set on fire Inflammable
51. Glass container in which it has fishes Aquarium
52. Fail to function normally Malfunction
53. A person who is skilled in making map Cartographer
54. Afrais of closed space Claustrophobia


Antonym Questions asked in SSC MTS 2023
S.No Word Antonym
1. Feud Harmony
2. Admired Despised
3. Attracted Repulsed
4. Empathetic Merciless
5. Stern Lenient
6. Wisdom Stupidity
7. Initial Terminal
8. Guilty Innocent
9. Ecstacy Despair
10. Break Mend
11. Forthcoming Past
12. Crude Refined
13. Humility Arrogance
14. Idle Diligent
15. Humane Cruel
16. Amazing Ordinary
17. Enormous Tiny
18. Annoy Gratify
19. Incoherent Lucid
20. Lively Sombre
21. Periodic Irregular
22. Nonchalant Caring
23. Clumsy Graceful
24. Authentic False
25. Fame Shame
26. Cheap Expensive
27. Strengthen Debilitate
28. Dishevelled Tidy
29. Dense Sparse
30. Amiable Unfriendly
31. Demolish Construct


32. Harmony Conflict
33. Anxiety Calmness
34. Distinct Vague
35. Often Rarely
36. Divergent Similar
37. Align Disrupt
38. Detrimental Beneficial
39. Reputable Notorious
40. Carnal Spiritual
41. Extend Curtail


Synonym Questions asked in SSC MTS 2023
S.No Word Synonym
1. Facilitate Enabled
2. Repulsive Disgusting
3. Fragile Brittle
4. Hesitate Falter
5. Peculiar Strange
6. Obsession Fascination
7. Amicable Friendly
8. Insist Persist
9. Diminish Weaken
10. Elegant Graceful
11. Design Fabricate
12. Cordial Friendly
13. Ancient Antique
14. Defeat Setback
15. Distinguished Dignified
16. Obvious Clear
17. Determined Decisive
18. Cynical Pessimistic
19. Grief Pain
20. Energetic Vibrant


21. Secrecy Mystery
22. Hope Wish
23. Trivial Minor
24. Hazard Accident
25. Laconic Concise
26. Troubles Complications
27. Barbed Spiteful
28. Perir Danger
29. Enchanted Appealing
30. Glimpse Glance
31. Mild Gentle
32. Pretend Feign
33. Tedious Dreary
34. Manacled Fettered
35. Plunge Dive
36. Committed Engaged
37. Magnificent Glorious
38. Grit Courage


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